Archives: Resources

Report on WASH FIT training in Kenya

This document is a training report of the national training on WASH FIT in Kenya. Ministry of Health Kenya, UNICEF HQ & UNICEF Kenya co-facilitated a WASH FIT training in October 2023 in Machakos town-Kenya. Find more about the training from the report below!

Improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities in Kitui County, Kenya

Improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities in Kitui County, Kenya
Authors: Jacob Katuva, Rob Hope, Ellie McBurney, Nancy Gladstone, Johanna Koehler, Cliff Nyaga, Dennis Njung’e

This brief presents policy recommendations for improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities through a professional service delivery model. Annualised costs to provide safe and reliable water and soap services are estimated from actual cost data, providing a basis for county-level budgets and investment planning.

Case studies of WASH FIT implementation

This document contains a set of short case studies from the following countries: The Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Ecuador and Mali.