Archives: Resources

Budgeting and advocacy to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities: a case study in Nepal

Barriers to achieving and sustaining access to water, sanitation, hygiene, waste management (collectively, “WASH”) in healthcare facilities include a supportive policy environment and adequate funding. While guidelines exist for assessing needs and making initial infrastructure improvements, there is little guidance on how to develop budgets and policies to sustain WASH services in the long-term. This research was conducted on costing and advocacy activities in Thakurbaba municipality, Nepal, with the aim of developing a budget and operations and maintenance policy for WASH in healthcare facilities in partnership with the municipal government. The objectives for this study are to (1) describe the process and methods used for costing and advocacy, (2) report the costs to achieve and maintain basic WASH services in the eight healthcare facilities of Thakurbaba municipality, and (3) report the outcomes of advocacy activities and policy development. Find more about the case study here!

Building Climate Resiliency in WASH in HCF (COP Event)

Climate change threatens the ability of healthcare facilities to provide routine services without disruption, particularly as it relates to the availability and quality of WASH services. As such, building resiliency into WASH in HCF programming is an important consideration from the onset. This Community of Practice event shared existing tools and resources to support climate resiliency, looked at examples of WASH in HCF programs that have made strides in integrating climate, and discussed what more healthcare facilities and implementers need to make sure climate resiliency is not overlooked.