Archives: Resources

Building Climate Resiliency in WASH in HCF (COP Event)

Climate change threatens the ability of healthcare facilities to provide routine services without disruption, particularly as it relates to the availability and quality of WASH services. As such, building resiliency into WASH in HCF programming is an important consideration from the onset. This Community of Practice event shared existing tools and resources to support climate resiliency, looked at examples of WASH in HCF programs that have made strides in integrating climate, and discussed what more healthcare facilities and implementers need to make sure climate resiliency is not overlooked.




Improving Facility Readiness in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) And Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) In Uganda

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shocked health systems, demanding the urgent identification and prioritization of immediate health care facility needs. Beginning in August 2020, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provided rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Uganda and four other countries to improve facility readiness in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC). This package of materials details the impact and outcomes of this work, as well as lessons learned to inform future WASH and IPC efforts in health care facilities and quality improvement programming.