Archives: Resources

National TOT WASH FIT Training Report in Benin

This document is a training report of the national training of trainers on WASH FIT in Benin. The training was from the 22-25th of August 2023 in the capital Atakora. Find more about the training from the report below!

National WASH FIT Report in Niger

This report describes WASH FIT assessment and development of an improvement plan in five health care facilities in Niamey, the capital of Niger.

Guidelines of Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool in Philippines (2023)

the guidelines identified in this guideline shall contribute to the attainment of the country’s goals towards sustainable development, climate action and universal health care. The development of the Guidelines of WASH FIT is aligned with the technical standards and guidelines of a green, safe and climate resilient health facility. Find the guidelines here!

Report of the WASH Fit Training of Trainers in Ethiopia

The training aimed to capacitate IPC and WASH experts who are members of the Infection Control Africa Network (ICAN) from different ICAN regional hubs. The training was conducted for three and half days during 12 – 15 June 2023 in Addis Ababa. A total of 17 participants (60% female) attended the training from 10 countries (Botswana, Cameroon, DRC, Egypt (virtual), Ethiopia (6), Madagascar, Nigeria (3), South Africa, Tanzania (virtual), and Zimbabwe. Find more here!