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Here is the agenda of the training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF. The training is from 5-7of December 2022 which is held in Ternopil...
This module addresses the waste management principles, waste management procedures for waste streams such as general waste, infectious waste, pathological waste, food waste and Covid -19 waste. Additionally, it...
Blog post from WHO Indonesia on climate resilient, environmentally sustainable WASH and waste management services....
These 12 case studies are part of the WHO 2021 publication: Global Analysis of health care waste in the context of...
This report quantifies the additional healthcare waste generated as a result of COVID-19, describes current healthcare waste management systems and their deficiencies, and summarizes emerging best practices and solutions...
The COVID-19 Waste Management Sourcebook has been developed to supplement the existing DOH Health Care Waste Management Manual 4th Edition in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. This Sourcebook incorporates...
This WHO report, with special contributions from UNDP, the Global Fund, Health Care Without Harm, and the International Solid Waste Association, details how COVID-19 has forced the world to...
A commentary describing waste management practices as a result of COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean...
This document presents guidelines for reducing the incidence of injury and disease arising from the improper management of health care waste among health workers at health facilities and the...