Archives: Latest News
Frontline health facilities faltering without water, sanitation, hygiene and electricity – new WHO, UNICEF report

WHO World Hand Hygiene Day (5 May 2023) – accelerate action together
Call for WASH in HCF expertise to inform a global roster for country support
New data to improve nationwide WASH outcomes in Montenergo
WHO supported Montenegro in executing an assessment of WASH in health care facilities, including the process of prioritisation and planning of activities, providing international experts and instruments for capacity building and for conducting the assessment. The assessment was key to raising awareness on important provisions related to WASH for ensuring quality of care, showing possible entry points and ways to take action and improve coverage of WASH provisions.
Read the full story here:
WHO & UNICEF webinar to mark the launch of the new & updated WASH FIT 2nd edition (WASH FIT 2.0)

Register HERE to join the webinar via Zoom
WHO Kosovo office is urgently looking for a consultant to support health care waste for a year.
WHO Global IPC survey

A WHO global survey of the status of IPC programme implementation at national level with respect to the WHO IPC minimum requirements using an assessment tool derived from the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Tool (IPCAT-2), is accessible on-line via a new WHO Global IPC Portal. The survey will offer countries the opportunity to assess their implementation of the minimum requirements and track progress against previous assessments. The survey will be open from 28 July to 15 October 2021.
Full analysis of global costs for providing basic WASH services in HCF
Over 10 years, it will cost US$6.5-9.6 billion to provide universal, basic WASH services in health care facilities in the 46 least developed countries. This averages to US$0.65 per capita, per year with waste management and sanitation accounting for the greatest proportion of costs. WHO and UNICEF coordinated the costing effort with inputs from World Bank, WaterAid, Water2020 and other key partners. Read the full analysis here.
What is quality? New video launched

A new 3 minute video has been launched to help people explain the concept of quality of care. Harm from poor quality health care is often more of an issue than lack of health care services. Watch the video here.