WASH in HCF in the media – recent articles

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In recent months, WASH in health care facilities has been receiving more attention with articles published in the media and new blogs and videos. Below you will find links to recent articles and publications.  The monthly WASH in HCF newsletter also includes links to recent articles. If you do not already receive the newsletter, please sign up at the bottom of the page.

BANGLADESH: “Untreated medical waste: a serious threat to public health”, The Daily Star, 28 October https://www.thedailystar.net/frontpage/news/untreated-medical-waste-serious-threat-public-health-1819624.

BANGLADESH: “Hospitals breach disposal rules”, The Daily Star, 23 November, https://www.thedailystar.net/frontpage/news/hospitals-breach-disposal-rules-1830775.

INDONESIA: “IAPMO Roundtable galvanizes Indonesian industry”, Contractor, November, https://www.contractormag.com/plumbing/article/20884335/iapmo-roundtable-galvanizes-indonesian-industry

INDIA: “72,045 PHCs in country don’t have toilet facilities for staff”, The Hindu, 25 November 2019: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/72045-phcs-in-country-dont-have-toilet-facilities-for-staff/article30079540.ece

KENYA: “What Kenyan women want in maternal healthcare”, Business Daily Africa, 27 November 2019: https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/corporate/health/Kenyan-women-want-in-maternal-healthcare/4258458-5365060-v2jak7/index.html

Save/USAID: “Cost analysis for Clean Clinic Approach Activities in Guatemala and Implications for Scale-Up”, https://www.mcsprogram.org/resource/cost-analysis-for-clean-clinic-approach-activities-in-guatemala-and-implications-for-scale-up/

UN Secretary General Video: “SG urges efforts to realize human rights to safe water & sanitation under European Protocol on Water & Health”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9El6vP5q-Js

WHO news: “World Toilet Day – in search of healthier health care in Cox’s Bazaar”, 21 November 2019: https://www.who.int/bangladesh/news/detail/21-11-2019-world-toilet-day—in-search-of-a-healthier-health-care-in-cox-s-bazar 

WASH & AMR: WASH services critical to curbing antibiotic “quick fix” https://devpolicy.org/wash-services-critical-to-curbing-antibiotic-quick-fix-20191205/