Archives: Resources

WASH FIT Kobo Toolbox (Global)

This version of the WASH FIT Kobo toolbox is translated to Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese and English. Please download it from below

Performance and acceptability of the STREAM Disinfectant Generator for infection prevention and control practices in primary health care facilities in Uganda

Effective infection prevention and control programs can positively influence quality of care, increase patient safety, and protect health care providers. Chlorine, a widely used and effective chemical disinfectant, is recommended for infection prevention and control in health care settings. However, lack of consistent chlorine availability limits its use. Electrolytic chlorine generators can address limited chlorine supply and stockouts by enabling onsite production of readily usable, high-quality chlorine cost-effectively. This research delves into assessing the viability – encompassing performance metrics, acceptability factors, chlorine accessibility, and cost considerations – of the electrolytic STREAM Disinfectant Generator developed by Aqua Research (New Mexico, USA) for bolstering infection prevention and control measures in primary healthcare facilities across Uganda. Read the findings of this research here!

Global Strategic Roundtable on WASH, waste & electricity in health care facilities-Meeting Report

WHO and UNICEF organized a global strategic roundtable on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), waste management, and electricity in health care facilities. The event took place on 23-24 May 2024 at IFRC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This Roundtable was a continuation of conversations initiated during the 2023 Global Summit on WASH, waste, and electricity in health care facilities held in Amman, Jordan. The previous summit involved representatives from 35 countries and gathered 130 participants. During the recent meeting, there was a soft launch of the Global Framework for Action 2024-2030. Participants engaged in discussions regarding the implementation of the UN General Assembly Resolution as well as strategies to reinforce integrated implementation, investment approaches, and leadership within this sector. A key outcome of this gathering is a preliminary consensus statement that will undergo thorough review before final approval by all stakeholders involved. The meeting report can be found here!

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities

The Framework serves to guide efforts to deliver safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health care waste management and reliable electricity in all health care facilities. The ultimate aim is to provide quality care for all. The Framework reflects a global consultative process and includes data and recommendations articulated in recent WHO/UNICEF global reports on WASH, waste and electricity in health care facilities. It also provides an operational roadmap for implementing the 2023 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on WASH, waste and electricity in health care facilities. The target audiences for this Framework include health leaders and programme managers at the global and national levels; policymakers; WASH, waste and energy leaders and technical experts; development partners and finance institutions; and actors and experts on gender equality, disability and social inclusion and climate; and, more generally, civil society. The Framework deals with the WASH, waste and electricity elements of the WHO comprehensive approach to build safe, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities. Find the framework here

High Level Ministerial luncheon on WASH in Health care facilities-WHA77

Honourable Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, the Minister of Health in Malawi, hosted a high-level ministerial luncheon on WASH in health care facilities in Geneva on May 30, 2024. The event was attended by representatives from Liberia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Republic of Tanzania, The Gambia, and Japan along with partners from SIDA. Discussions at the meeting centered around reviewing outcomes and priority actions related to IPC, WASH, waste management, and electricity provision in health care facilities. Additionally, participants discussed identifying critical linkages to enhance climate resilience and improve services in health care facilities. Find the presentation here!

WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities: Trainers’ Guide (The WASH Foundation)

The WASH Foundation’s WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities (WinHCF) program is designed to support UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) in their efforts to train healthcare facility staff to include water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in health plans, budgets, and operations. This staff training program provides learning materials, support, monitoring, and evaluation opportunities to healthcare facility staff members to strengthen their capacities. The goal is to train healthcare facility staff and management to integrate good WASH practices and education into annual health sector planning, budgeting, and programming. These integrations will enable healthcare facility staff members to deliver quality services and serve as peer trainers. This document is the trainer’s guide to achieving that.

WASH Reflections from Dnipro, Ukraine

Dr. Maragaret Montgomery, the lead of WASH in Healthcare facilities and settings in WASH Unit-WHO shares her reflection from her recent visit to Dnipro, in Eastern Ukraine. She co-facilitated a training co-hosted by WHO & UNICEF on improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), waste and infection prevention and control (IPC) in health care facilities (HCFs). Watch the video here and read the reflections below!

UN General Assembly resolution: Sustainable, safe and universal water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities

The new resolution emphasizes the critical role these services play in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and underscores the gaps in current global services. It also encourages Member States to integrate these services into national health planning and calls for improved international cooperation to support developing countries in this area. In addition, the Resolution highlights the need for cross-sectoral engagement, national roadmaps, adequate resourcing and regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure the provision of these essential services. Find the resolution here!

WASH FIT Training Report-Nigeria

WHO & UNICEF organized a national WASH FIT training in Keffi Town-Nigeria in close collaboration with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency. The training was held for five days from 20-24 November 2023, with a purpose of training 25 participants from national, sub-national and facility levels to be WASH FIT trainers who will be qualified to facilitate WASH FIT training and support the implementation of the tool on three levels: national, sub-national, and facility levels. Participants visited primary healthcare facilities in Keffi town-Nigeria and drafted an improvement plan for the facilities and a proposed budgeted action plan for national, sub-national and facility levels. These plans are included in the training report. Find the report here!