Objective: To investigate the experiences and perceptions of postnatal mothers with quality of healthcare including WASH amenities among postnatal mothers in Ghana during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Archives: Resources
WASH FIT assessment tool – Russian
The WASH Fit Assessment tool is available now in Russian.
WASH FIT assessment tool – Spanish
The WASH Fit Assessment tool is available now in Spanish.
WASH FIT assessment tool – French
The WASH Assessment tool is available now in French.
National Action Plan for WASH in Niger 2022-2026
Niger has issued the National Action plan for WASH activities for 2022-2026.
WASH en Establecimientos de Salud: Recursos en español
WASH FIT version 2.0 (in Ukrainian)
WASH Fit version 2.0 is available now in Ukrainian
Training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF in Ukraine
Here is the agenda of the training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF. The training is from 5-7of December 2022 which is held in Ternopil City-Ukraine.
Knowledge Exchange on WASH, Climate Resilience and Environemtal Sustainability in HCF in Bangladesh
Here is the agenda of the Knowledge exchange WASH, climate resilience and environmental sustainability in healthcare facilities. The training was held in Dhaka-Bangladesh between the 10-13 of October for countries in SEARO region.
WASH Fit Training Agenda in Benin
Here is the Agenda of WASH Fit training of National Trainers conducted in Cotonou from the 15-18 November.