Here is the agenda of the training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF. The training is from 5-7of December 2022 which is held in Ternopil City-Ukraine.
Archives: Resources
Knowledge Exchange on WASH, Climate Resilience and Environemtal Sustainability in HCF in Bangladesh
Here is the agenda of the Knowledge exchange WASH, climate resilience and environmental sustainability in healthcare facilities. The training was held in Dhaka-Bangladesh between the 10-13 of October for countries in SEARO region.
WASH Fit Training Agenda in Benin
Here is the Agenda of WASH Fit training of National Trainers conducted in Cotonou from the 15-18 November.
EAH dans les Éstablissements de Santé: Ressources en français
Une liste de ressources compilées par la communauté de pratique.
WASH in HCF at the World Health Summit
During the World Health Summit 2022, WASH in HCF was highlighted due to its crucial importance now more than ever. Here is the presentation on ‘Investing in Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Waste in HCF: modest costs with high returns’.
Updated WASH in HCF Literature Review (2022)
An informal literature on all WASH in HCF published research from 2005-2022.
Training Module for Health Staff in Healthcare Waste Management
This module addresses the waste management principles, waste management procedures for waste streams such as general waste, infectious waste, pathological waste, food waste and Covid -19 waste. Additionally, it describes the occupational health and safety of employees handling healthcare waste, the procedure of conducting waste audits and the legal aspects of healthcare waste management in Sri Lanka. This module can be used as a training guide as well as a handbook on healthcare waste management for health care workers in Sri Lanka.
CO-Chairs’ Summary from Dushanbe Water Process
This document summarizes the Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 entitled ‘Catalyzing Water Action and Partnership at the Local, National, Regional and Global levels’, which took place from 6 to 9 June 2022 in Dushanbe.
Call for Action and Partnership from Dushanbe Water Process
This document collects the key actions, partnerships and other initiatives that were proposed during the Second Dushanbe Water Action Decade Conference.
Final Declaration from Dushanbe Water Process
The Final Declaration document includes the agreed actions to achieve the objectives of the Water Action Decade