Water, sanitation, and healthcare waste management are essential services in healthcare facilities to ensure the quality of care and minimize infection risk. World Health Organization (WHO) Cox Bazar’s sub-office supported the implementation of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool in 21 purposively selected HCFs in Rohingya refugee settlements. This paper presents the results from monitoring a total of 16 WASH FIT indicators from three of the seven WASH FIT domains (five on water, five on sanitation, and six on health care waste management) for one year. Read the paper here!
Archives: Resources
Global Framework for Action on WASH and electricity in healthcare facilities- Virtual Roundtable consultation
WHO & UNICEF held a virtual roundtable earlier this week to discuss the global framework for Action on WASH and electricity in healthcare facilities. Find the slides here!
Report on WASH FIT training in Kenya
This document is a training report of the national training on WASH FIT in Kenya. Ministry of Health Kenya, UNICEF HQ & UNICEF Kenya co-facilitated a WASH FIT training in October 2023 in Machakos town-Kenya. Find more about the training from the report below!
WASH FIT training report in Ethiopia
This document is a training report of the national training of trainers on WASH FIT in Ethiopia. Ministry of Health Ethiopia, World Vision Ethiopia and WHO Ethiopia co-facilitated the training in July 2023 in Bahir Dar town, Ethiopia. Find more about the training from the report below!
National WASH and Waste standards in Healthcare facilities in Palestine
This document details the national standards of WASH in healthcare facilities in Palestine. The standards are available in English and Arabic. Find the standards here!
Toolkit on mainstreaming of gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) in WASH in health-care facilities
WHO SEARO has published a toolkit on mainstreaming of gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) in WASH in health-care facilities. The Toolkit is aligned with the eight practical steps outlined in “WASH in health care facilities: Practical steps to achieve universal access to quality care”, as well as key components of the “Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT). The Toolkit includes several tools, resources and case studies from countries (in SEARO region) that WASH practitioners may find helpful when designing and implementing facility-level programs. Find the toolkit here!
Plumbing Aspects of Healthcare facilities in Philippines-WPC 2023 in Shanghai
The topic of safe and resilient water and sanitation systems and plumbing in health care facilities was an important focus of the recent 2023 World Plumbing Council Congress, an organization in official relations with WHO, was held in Shanghai, China. In the preliminary opening, Arabella Hayter (WHO HQ) highlighted recent findings from the Global Progress Report on WASH, waste and electricity in health care facilities and the need to continue to integrate with health systems monitoring, programming and financing. The example of climate resilient WASH standards and wide-scale implementation of WASH FIT was highlighted by the presentation by Boni Magtibay (WHO Philippines). Find the presentation here!
WASH Fit Implementation Survey
WHO and UNICEF is launching WASH FIT implementation survey that aims to achieve a better understanding of how WASH FIT is being used and the outcomes of its implementation. It seeks to understand the outcomes and challenges of using WASH FIT in order to inform and strengthen future support to facility improvements through use and adaptation of WASH FIT support, guidance and advocacy.
The survey should be completed and submitted by a representative of a government body (e.g. Ministry of Health), WHO or UNICEF country office or implementing partner (e.g. NGO) who is knowledgeable about WASH FIT in the country concerned. The data will be analyzed for inclusion in a joint WHO/UNICEF report, to be published in 2024. In addition, the information collected may be used to develop more detailed case studies for training materials and future workshops/presentations. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 24th of November. If you have any question or would like more information: please contact: Arabella Hayter at haytera@who.int or Nadia Abdalla abdallan@who.int
Find the survey here!
Quality, Accessible and Safe Healthcare: Lessons on Strengthening WASH in Healthcare Facilities
Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities (HCFs) is critical to the delivery of high-quality and safe care, yet the first global WASH in HCF status report in 2015 revealed a crisis in this fundamental aspect of quality healthcare. This report synthesizes and shares lessons arising from Water for Women WASH in HCF projects implemented by civil society organization (CSO) partners in eight Asia-Pacific countries from 2018 to 2022, including Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Water Quality Testing & Analysis and WASH in Health Care Facility Training – Mozambique
A training organized by MoH with financial and technical support of WHO from 12-16 December 2022 in Songo district for Tete province health emergency contingency plan development. The overall purpose of this capacity-building training was to train the participants on the use of the portable water quality test kit for analyses of water quality and to create awareness and skill among the trainees, integration of WASH FIT with ongoing WASH initiatives and programs in health care facilities. Furthermore, hands-on how to develop an incremental improvement action plan for healthcare facilities based on the risk factors to be assessed during a field visit to health facilities. Find more in the report!