Resource Type: reports

Implementation of the water and sanitation for health facility improvement tool (WASH FIT): Global Report

This document provides an analysis of the application of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement tool (WASH FIT), along with case studies from a select number of countries which illustrate different approaches for implementing and scaling up the tool. Recommendations for improving WASHFIT, its implementation and integration with health, energy and climate efforts are also included. As of 2024, over 70 countries from every region of the world are known to be using the tool and this number is growing year on year.

WASH FIT Training in Nepal

WASH FIT national training was successfully held in Nepal, Nagrkot, Bhaktapur District in Bagmati Province. A total of 26 participants attended four days training (21 – 24 October, 2024) at national WASH training center.

WASH FIT Training Report-Nigeria

WHO & UNICEF organized a national WASH FIT training in Keffi Town-Nigeria in close collaboration with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency. The training was held for five days from 20-24 November 2023, with a purpose of training 25 participants from national, sub-national and facility levels to be WASH FIT trainers who will be qualified to facilitate WASH FIT training and support the implementation of the tool on three levels: national, sub-national, and facility levels. Participants visited primary healthcare facilities in Keffi town-Nigeria and drafted an improvement plan for the facilities and a proposed budgeted action plan for national, sub-national and facility levels. These plans are included in the training report. Find the report here!

WASH FIT Training Report in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone conducted a national WASH FIT training from the 4th to the 8th of December 2023. The training targeted 38 health professionals from national and district and facility levels. The training was facilitated by Ministry of Health Sierra Leone, UNICEF HQ & UNICEF Sierra Leone.

WASH FIT training Report-Gambia

Gambia conducted a national WASH FIT training which targeted 30 participants from Ministry of Health, Water and Education and regional health offices public health officers, health officers from selected Healthcare facilities. UNICEF facilitated the training which was from the 30 October – 3 November 2023 at Bwiam in Gambia.

Report on WASH FIT training in Kenya

This document is a training report of the national training on WASH FIT in Kenya. Ministry of Health Kenya, UNICEF HQ & UNICEF Kenya co-facilitated a WASH FIT training in October 2023 in Machakos town-Kenya. Find more about the training from the report below!

WASH FIT training report in Ethiopia

This document is a training report of the national training of trainers on WASH FIT in Ethiopia. Ministry of Health Ethiopia, World Vision Ethiopia and WHO Ethiopia co-facilitated the training in July 2023 in Bahir Dar town, Ethiopia. Find more about the training from the report below!

Quality, Accessible and Safe Healthcare: Lessons on Strengthening WASH in Healthcare Facilities

Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities (HCFs) is critical to the delivery of high-quality and safe care, yet the first global WASH in HCF status report in 2015 revealed a crisis in this fundamental aspect of quality healthcare. This report synthesizes and shares lessons arising from Water for Women WASH in HCF projects implemented by civil society organization (CSO) partners in eight Asia-Pacific countries from 2018 to 2022, including Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.  

National WASH FIT Report in Niger

This report describes WASH FIT assessment and development of an improvement plan in five health care facilities in Niamey, the capital of Niger.