This poster illustrates general instructions for surface cleaning and disinfecting in patient care areas.
Resource Type: standards-guidelines
National WASH Standards and Implementation Guidelines for healthcare facilities-Bangladesh
This document is the National WASH and waste standards in healthcare facilities in Bangladesh (2023).
National Guidelines for WASH in Healthcare Facilities in Nigeria (2022)
This document is the national guidelines for water, sanitation and hygiene in healthcare facilities, it was developed to address the gaps in WASH in healthcare facilities. The guidelines include how to manage healthcare waste, environmental cleaning and monitoring of WASH in healthcare facilities through coordination, monitoring and reporting. Find the guidelines here!
National WASH and Waste standards in Healthcare facilities in Palestine
This document details the national standards of WASH in healthcare facilities in Palestine. The standards are available in English and Arabic. Find the standards here!
Guidelines for Green and Climate Resilient Healthcare Facilities-India
These comprehensive Green and Climate Resilient Healthcare guidelines have been prepared to support the strengthening of the healthcare system in India under National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH). This updated version, focuses on environmentally friendly, sustainable, structural, and functional adaptations for health facilities. By guiding efforts on energy conservation and energy transition, it is envisioned to contribute towards India’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and towards resilient health service delivery especially during extreme weather events. Find the guidelines here!
Guidelines of Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool in Philippines (2023)
the guidelines identified in this guideline shall contribute to the attainment of the country’s goals towards sustainable development, climate action and universal health care. The development of the Guidelines of WASH FIT is aligned with the technical standards and guidelines of a green, safe and climate resilient health facility. Find the guidelines here!
Green and Safe Health Facilities Manual-1st Edition-Philippines
The Green and Safe Health Facilities Manual details environmental considerations for all health facilities. The standards and criteria in this manual are aimed at enhancing patient safety through improved indoor environmental quality, site sustainability, health care waste management, energy and water efficiency in all facilities. Find the manual here!
Managing infectious waste in HCF in El Salvador (2015)
Este documento contiene las normas y medidas para gestionar los residuos infecciosos.
Standards on dangerous solid waste management in healthcare facilities-Nicaragua (2002)
Este documento contiene las normas de manejo de residuos sólidos peligrosos en centros de salud en Nicaragua.
Standards on non-Hazardous solid waste in HCF -Nicaragua (2002)
Este documento contiene las normas de manejo de residuos sólidos no peligrosos en establecimientos de salud en Nicaragua.