This checklist contains a series of questions designed for monitoring the water quality in healthcare facilities.
Resource Type: training
WASH FIT Training Package: Pre and Post-Test
This document includes questions intended for use as a sample of pre-and post-tests in the WASH FIT training program.
WASH FIT Training in Iraq-Oct 2024
The training tragetted 12 participants comprising local staff from public health directorates, health officers from selected PHCs, and personnel from UNICEF and WHO, who attended the training session held at the Public Health Directorate from October 20 to 23, 2024. The training was expertly facilitated by master trainer Hussein Al Azzawi, a WASH Specialist at the country office. Dr. Alyaa Mohammed from the WHO country office was one of the co-facilitators alongside Dr. Ehab Salim, appointed by MoH, who assumed the role of training coordinator. Find the report here
WASH FIT training in Uganda- 2024
A comprehensive five-day training program was conducted from August 5th to 9th, 2024, in Jinja, Uganda. The training garnered participation from a total of 43 attendees representing various central-level organizations. Notable participants included personnel from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water and Environment, Rural Water Sanitation Regional Centers, and specifically selected Assistant District Health Officers overseeing Environmental Health. In addition to these key stakeholders, esteemed partners such as Amref Health Africa in Uganda, the Infection Prevention Institute, Water for People, as well as national and regional staff from UNICEF and WHO were actively engaged throughout the duration of the training session.
WASH Reflections from Dnipro, Ukraine
Dr. Maragaret Montgomery, the lead of WASH in Healthcare facilities and settings in WASH Unit-WHO shares her reflection from her recent visit to Dnipro, in Eastern Ukraine. She co-facilitated a training co-hosted by WHO & UNICEF on improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), waste and infection prevention and control (IPC) in health care facilities (HCFs). Watch the video here and read the reflections below!
Water Quality Testing & Analysis and WASH in Health Care Facility Training – Mozambique
A training organized by MoH with financial and technical support of WHO from 12-16 December 2022 in Songo district for Tete province health emergency contingency plan development. The overall purpose of this capacity-building training was to train the participants on the use of the portable water quality test kit for analyses of water quality and to create awareness and skill among the trainees, integration of WASH FIT with ongoing WASH initiatives and programs in health care facilities. Furthermore, hands-on how to develop an incremental improvement action plan for healthcare facilities based on the risk factors to be assessed during a field visit to health facilities. Find more in the report!
National TOT WASH FIT Training Report in Benin
This document is a training report of the national training of trainers on WASH FIT in Benin. The training was from the 22-25th of August 2023 in the capital Atakora. Find more about the training from the report below!
Report of the WASH Fit Training of Trainers in Ethiopia
The training aimed to capacitate IPC and WASH experts who are members of the Infection Control Africa Network (ICAN) from different ICAN regional hubs. The training was conducted for three and half days during 12 – 15 June 2023 in Addis Ababa. A total of 17 participants (60% female) attended the training from 10 countries (Botswana, Cameroon, DRC, Egypt (virtual), Ethiopia (6), Madagascar, Nigeria (3), South Africa, Tanzania (virtual), and Zimbabwe. Find more here!
National WASH Fit Training Report in Tanzania
This document is a report of the National WASH Fit training held in Morogoro town in Tanzania, from 17-20 of April 2023. Find more in the report.
WASH FIT – Nettoyage de l’environnement, feuille d’exercice
Feuille d’exercice pour accompagner le module technique en PPT