WHO’s AFRO and UNICEF ESARO regional offices hosted a five-day training in Nairobi-Kenya from the 20th to 24th of March 2023 focusing on training trainers’ who are involved in improving WASH services in healthcare facilities, infection prevention, and quality of care. Find the agenda of the training attached.
Resource Type: training
Environmental cleaning and IPC in HCF in low-and middle-income countries: Trainer’s guide (2022)
This document is a trainer’s guide on environmental cleaning and IPC in low- and middle-income countries. The document takes the user through how to prepare, deliver and sustain an effective training for those who clean.
Rollout and Orientation Report of the Healthcare Waste Management Guidelines – Liberia (2022)
The goal of the rollout and orientations were to strengthen waste management at healthcare institutions by ensuring improved health through the WASH- FIT implementation in health facilities.
Training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF in Ukraine
Here is the agenda of the training on strengthening WASH and waste services in HCF. The training is from 5-7of December 2022 which is held in Ternopil City-Ukraine.
Knowledge Exchange on WASH, Climate Resilience and Environemtal Sustainability in HCF in Bangladesh
Here is the agenda of the Knowledge exchange WASH, climate resilience and environmental sustainability in healthcare facilities. The training was held in Dhaka-Bangladesh between the 10-13 of October for countries in SEARO region.
WASH Fit Training Agenda in Benin
Here is the Agenda of WASH Fit training of National Trainers conducted in Cotonou from the 15-18 November.