Accessible assistance ring at hospital entrance in Ukraine to ensure inclusivity for all – Photo credit WHO Ukraine

Key Messages

  • All countries included in the country tracker are working on one or more of the eight practical steps.
  • Most progress has been seen in establishing baselines, conducting situation analyses and developing standards, whereas integration of WASH indicators and infrastructure improvements remain the biggest gaps.
  • Country efforts are focused on policy-level initiatives and still lack sufficient funding and investment to improve infrastructure and address large gaps in service.
  • Progress is happening even in fragile and conflict settings.

Tracking Progress

The country tracker (below) provides the basis for updates to the World Health Assembly on progress against the Resolution (2021 and 2023) and will be used for reporting to the United Nations General Assembly on the 2023 Resolution (due in 2025). All countries are invited to submit progress.

The tracker presents a snapshot of progress from 73 countries (as of April 2023). The target for 2025 is 100 countries.

To submit a country progress update to be included in the tracker, please use this form (Microsoft Forms).

Legend (see below)

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

Linked resources

Progress Tracker

Total Countries - 73

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

No data

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Burkina Faso

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

Democratic Republic of Congo

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No data

No data

Equatorial Guinea

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


No data

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data

Guinea Bissau

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

No data

occupied Palestinian territory

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

Practical step underway or partially completed


No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data

Papua New Guinea

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Sierra Leone

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

Practical step underway or partially completed


Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

South Sudan

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No data

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

The Gambia

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data

No data


No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

United Republic of Tanzania

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start


Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

Viet Nam

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

No data


Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

No progress made and/or no plans in place to start

No data


A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step completed or achieved on a national level and/or large-scale implementation ongoing

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed

A need has been identified to and/or plans are in place to start

Practical step underway or partially completed

Practical step underway or partially completed