These comprehensive Green and Climate Resilient Healthcare guidelines have been prepared to support the strengthening of the healthcare system in India under National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH). This updated version, focuses on environmentally friendly, sustainable, structural, and functional adaptations for health facilities. By guiding efforts on energy conservation and energy transition, it is envisioned to contribute towards India’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and towards resilient health service delivery especially during extreme weather events. Find the guidelines here!
Year Issued: 2023
National TOT WASH FIT Training Report in Benin
This document is a training report of the national training of trainers on WASH FIT in Benin. The training was from the 22-25th of August 2023 in the capital Atakora. Find more about the training from the report below!
National WASH FIT Report in Niger
This report describes WASH FIT assessment and development of an improvement plan in five health care facilities in Niamey, the capital of Niger.
Presentation of the Post Summit webinar on 6th September
Join this WHO and UNICEF webinar on Wednesday 6th September at 2pm CET for the Post summit webinar. The webinar builds on the Global Summit on WASH and Waste in health care facilities: Realising safe and sustainable infrastructure for improved quality of care, that took place in June 2023 in Amman, Jordan. Find the presentation here!
Global Summit Meeting Report-Amman, Jordan
From 13-15 June 2023, WHO and UNICEF, with the Government of Jordan, co-hosted a global summit on WASH, waste and electricity in health care facilities in Amman, Jordan. The summit was the first in-person global meeting on WASH in HCF to take place in four years, following the last global meeting held in Zambia in 2019. The meeting marked the end of the reporting period for the 2019 World Health Assembly Resolution and the launch of the global progress report on WASH in health care facilities. Find the meeting report here!
Join us for a webinar on WASH, waste and electricity in health care facilities webinar
Join this WHO and UNICEF webinar on Wednesday 6th September! The webinar builds on the Global Summit on WASH and Waste in health care facilities: Realising safe and sustainable infrastructure for improved quality of care, that took place in June 2023 in Amman, Jordan. The Summit report and presentations can be found here. Speakers and panelists will include WHO, UNICEF and a number of government and partners who participated in the summit. Register here and download the flyer below to share with your networks.
Guidelines of Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool in Philippines (2023)
the guidelines identified in this guideline shall contribute to the attainment of the country’s goals towards sustainable development, climate action and universal health care. The development of the Guidelines of WASH FIT is aligned with the technical standards and guidelines of a green, safe and climate resilient health facility. Find the guidelines here!
Presentations from the Global Summit on WASH and Waste in Healthcare Facilities-Jordan (13-15 June 2023)
The Global Summit on WASH and Waste in Healthcare Facilities was hosted in Amman Jordan from the 13th till the 15th of June. The 3 days summits had more than 12 sessions addressing countries success and insights and presentations from expert in waste management, climate change, energy, other health programs (IPC, MMR). The summit included Mini skill session on monitoring, financing, leadership and workforce improvement. Find the combined shared presentations here:
Report of the WASH Fit Training of Trainers in Ethiopia
The training aimed to capacitate IPC and WASH experts who are members of the Infection Control Africa Network (ICAN) from different ICAN regional hubs. The training was conducted for three and half days during 12 – 15 June 2023 in Addis Ababa. A total of 17 participants (60% female) attended the training from 10 countries (Botswana, Cameroon, DRC, Egypt (virtual), Ethiopia (6), Madagascar, Nigeria (3), South Africa, Tanzania (virtual), and Zimbabwe. Find more here!
Clean Briefing Paper for healthcare cleaning in resource limited settings
Maintaining a clean environment in healthcare settings is essential to the prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and the spread of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Despite progress, environmental cleaning is more often poorly financed and lacks routine data for monitoring, especially in resource-limited settings. This document is a brief on healthcare cleaning in resource-limited settings. Find more here!