Guidelines for Green and Climate Resilient Healthcare Facilities-India

These comprehensive Green and Climate Resilient Healthcare guidelines have been prepared to support the strengthening of the healthcare system in India under National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health... Read more »

Improving Facility Readiness in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) And Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) In India

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shocked health systems, demanding the urgent identification and prioritization of immediate healthcare facility needs. Beginning in August 2020, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provided rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in India and four other countries to improve facility readiness in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC). This package of materials details the impact and outcomes of this work, as well as lessons learned to inform future WASH and IPC efforts in healthcare facilities and quality improvement programming.

How much does it cost to meet the standards for making healthcare facilities water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) compliant? : analysis from Assam, India.

The study aims to estimate the cost to meet the standards for making WASH-compliant HCFs. This cross-sectional study was centered on assessing 60 selected HCF of Assam.

Global Analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19: case studies

These 12 case studies are part of the WHO 2021 publication: Global Analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19.


Impending scope of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the post-COVID19 pandemic era: An opportunity call

This perspective piece elaborates on theimportance of optimal WASH and future scopes in HCFs during the post COVID19 pandemic era.

PMAC Conference – Country updates on WASH in HCF & quality: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and the Philippines

A presentation given at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (January 2020). The presentation was given as part of a session hosted by WHO, WaterAid and the National Public Health Institute of Cambodia. The file includes the following presentations: Vivek Singh, UNICEF India Country Office: WASH and quality in India - a focus on the Kayakalp programme. Renzo Guinto, Philippines, WASH in HCF in the era of UHC and climate change in the Philippines. Nasima Sultana, Bangladesh: WASH in HCF of Bangladesh - a focus on the National Technical Committee. Lym Khankryka, Cambodia: Improving WASH within quality of care in Cambodia.

WASH and gender in health care facilities: The uncharted territory

A study looking at applied gender-sensitive multitool assessments in India and Uganda.

WASH in the context of maternal health and menstrual hygiene in Uganda and India

A poster showing how Indian and Ugandan health care facilities manage the sanitation needs of special user groups.

How Indian and Ugandan health centres manage the sanitation needs of special user groups.

Executive Summary: How Indian and Ugandan health centres manage the sanitation needs of special user groups.