Improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities in Kitui County, Kenya

Improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities in Kitui County, Kenya Authors: Jacob Katuva, Rob Hope, Ellie McBurney, Nancy Gladstone, Johanna Koehler, Cliff Nyaga, Dennis Njung'e This brief presents policy recommendations for improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities through a professional service delivery model. Annualised costs to provide safe and reliable water and soap services are estimated from actual cost data, providing a basis for county-level budgets and investment planning.

Cost Analysis for Clean Clinic Approach Activities in Guatemala and Implications for Scale-Up

MCSP conducted a cost analysis of the Clean Clinic Approach (CCA) in Guatemala to document expenditures necessary to implement the CCA; inform future incremental improvement efforts, both within and outside of Guatemala; and explore and contribute to the literature base on the implementation cost of WASH for infection prevention and control interventions.

Mozambique – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Health Centers

A factsheet summarising USAID's support to the Ministry of Health (MOH) Mozambique in their effort to reduce preventable maternal and child deaths through increased utilization of quality facility level sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene services at health centers.