9 Building Blocks in System Strengthening using WASH FIT


This framework links the WASH System Essential Building Block (IRC WASH) and WASH FIT Tool (WHO, UNICEF).

Video – Philippines: WASH & Solar Energy in Health Care Facilities


KOICA-supported programme implemented by WHO

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: progress on the fundamentals. Global progress report 2023


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Updated WASH in HCF Literature Review (2022)

An informal literature on all WASH in HCF published research from 2005-2022.

Training Module for Health Staff in Healthcare Waste Management

This module addresses the waste management principles, waste management procedures for waste streams such as general waste, infectious waste, pathological waste, food waste and Covid -19 waste. Additionally, it describes... Read more »

CO-Chairs’ Summary from Dushanbe Water Process

This document summarizes the Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 entitled ‘Catalyzing Water Action and Partnership at the Local, National, Regional... Read more »

Call for Action and Partnership from Dushanbe Water Process

This document collects the key actions, partnerships and other initiatives that were proposed during the Second Dushanbe Water Action Decade Conference.

Final Declaration from Dushanbe Water Process

The Final Declaration document includes the agreed actions to achieve the objectives of the Water Action Decade

WASH FIT assessment tool – Arabic

The WASH FIT assessment tool in Arabic. The tools is available in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Report of WASH FIT Training in Maputo City, Mozambique on July 2022

The Health Service of Maputo City organized a capacity building training on WASHFIT with technical and financial support from WHO in collaboration with Department of Environmental Health from the Ministry... Read more »

Report of 2022 Sector Ministers’ Meeting

The Sanitation and Water for All global partnership has published the 2022 Report of Sector Ministers’ meeting which documents the organization’s most ambitious event to date. 

A Global Study on External Perceptions of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) published the results of a global audience research that looked into depth of the perceptions around water, sanitation, and hygiene of experts working in... Read more »

National Microplanning Handbook for WASH in Healthcare Facilities in Uganda (2022)

Presented in the report are national, regional and district analyses of WASH in HCFs using data collected by Ministry of Health (Environmental Health Department) with support from UNICEF from 4,272... Read more »

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