9 Building Blocks in System Strengthening using WASH FIT


This framework links the WASH System Essential Building Block (IRC WASH) and WASH FIT Tool (WHO, UNICEF).

Video – Philippines: WASH & Solar Energy in Health Care Facilities


KOICA-supported programme implemented by WHO

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: progress on the fundamentals. Global progress report 2023


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International medical corps approach to sustainable wash infrastructure in health care facilities in Yemen

International Medical Corps has provided water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to more than 25 supported health care facilities (HCF) across Yemen with adequate water supply, regular water quality monitoring and chlorination, construction of medical waste zone, distribution of environmental health and latrine cleaning kits and train the HCF staff on infection prevention and control (IPC) and health care management.

Budgeting for Environmental Health Services in Healthcare Facilities: A Ten-Step Model for Planning and Costing

Based on 47 studies selected through a systematic review, a model for budgeting WASH in Healthcare Facilities was developed, comprising ten steps in three phases: planning, data collection, and synthesis.

Behavioural Determinants of HandWashing and Glove Recontamination before Aseptic Procedures at Birth

Behavioural Determinants of HandWashing and Glove Recontamination before Aseptic Procedures at Birth. A Time-and-Motion Study and Survey inZanzibar Labour Wards  

Assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene in HCFs: which tool to follow?

A review of nine available assessment tools for WASH in HCF published in Reviews on Environmental Health.

Clean And Timely Care In Hospital For Institutional Transformation (CATCH-IT)

CATCH-IT is an Ethiopian initiative designed to improve quality of care, timely access to basic services and revitalisation of hospital reform initiatives for institutional transformation.

PMAC Conference – Country updates on WASH in HCF & quality: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and the Philippines

A presentation given at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (January 2020). The presentation was given as part of a session hosted by WHO, WaterAid and the National Public Health Institute of Cambodia. The file includes the following presentations: Vivek Singh, UNICEF India Country Office: WASH and quality in India - a focus on the Kayakalp programme. Renzo Guinto, Philippines, WASH in HCF in the era of UHC and climate change in the Philippines. Nasima Sultana, Bangladesh: WASH in HCF of Bangladesh - a focus on the National Technical Committee. Lym Khankryka, Cambodia: Improving WASH within quality of care in Cambodia.

Transforming health service quality through improved water, sanitation & hygiene: from Resolution to Revolution

A presentation given at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (January 2020). The presentation was given as part of a session hosted by WHO, WaterAid and the National Public Health Institute of Cambodia. The session objectives were to: Discuss key entry points and strategies for jointly addressing quality and WASH in health care facilities and the added benefits of such an approach. How linkages between national quality policy and strategy and WASH in health facilities were used to drive action: experiences in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and the Philippines. Orient participants to recent WASH and quality tools (including quality implementation guide, WASH FIT[1]) and how they can be adapted to support participants to engage in quality and WASH improvements. [1] WHO UNICEF Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT) https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/water-and-sanitation-for-health-facility-improvement-tool/en/

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