Implementation of the water
and sanitation for health facility
improvement tool (WASH FIT):
global report


This report provides an analysis of the application of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement tool (WASH FIT) and case studies from a select number of countries that illustrate different approaches for implementing and scaling up the tool. 

Consensus Statement


This document outlining the role of policymakers and partners in implementing the Global Framework for Action was signed by 20+ leading organizations.


Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Safe management of pharmaceutical waste from health care facilities: global best practices


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Appl Environ Microbiol 2017 Kotay AEM 03327 16

This paper looks at the mechanism of transmission from the wastewater of the sink traps to patients.

Bangladesh National Strategy for Wash in Healthcare Facilities 2019-2023

National Strategy for WASH inHealthcare Facilities 2019-2023A Framework for Action


Workshop Notes: “Strengthening IPC for mothers and newborns” Workshop

This report summarizes the "Strengthening Infection Prevention and Control for Mothers and Newborns Workshop", which took place in Washington, DC on June 11-12, 2019.

Ensuring Mother and Child Health at the Hospital with Wash in Health Care Facilities: Focus on Autonomous Chlorine Production in Zambia

Poster presented and awared with the first prize at 2018 International Tech4Dev Conference, EPFL Lausanne. Abstract: Hospital acquired infections (HAI) pose a significant threat to the health of patients and health care employees in developing countries. Limited resources are available for health facilities: It is estimated that 15% of patients in low-income countries develop one or more infections during a hospital stay, of which water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is a contributor (Allegranzi et al., 2011). Infections account for a third of the 3.6 million neonatal deaths each year and for 15% of maternal deaths (Lawn et al., 2010). In 2016 Ministry of Health and UNICEF started a pilot project in 55 Zambian health care facilities implementing basic WASH infrastructures including disinfectant production, waste management and hand washing to effectively prevent diseases. A specific focus was given to mother and child health to reduce burden of disease by autonomous production of sodium hypochlorite, using electrolysis to transform saline solution into disinfectant with WATA technology.

Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in Health Care Facilities in the Sustainable Development Goals

This document provides a set of core questions and indicators for WASH in HCF to be used for harmonized national monitoring. The monitoring results allow better comparison of survey results over time and between countries, as well as facilitate global analysis of WASH in HCF in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The indicators include definitions for basic water, sanitation, hand hygiene, health care waste management, and environmental cleaning services. Each indicator is supported with a set of recommended questions for use in data collection, which allow classification of facilities in relation to “service ladders” that can be used to monitor progress.

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