9 Building Blocks in System Strengthening using WASH FIT


This framework links the WASH System Essential Building Block (IRC WASH) and WASH FIT Tool (WHO, UNICEF).

Video – Philippines: WASH & Solar Energy in Health Care Facilities


KOICA-supported programme implemented by WHO

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: progress on the fundamentals. Global progress report 2023


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Health care waste management: Coronavirus update

Advice is regularly updated based on the latest knowledge. Please contact global@hcwh.org for the most up to date information.


Slides from a webinar series on WASH in HCF and COVID-19 in April 2020. The recording is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz46qUS58CM.

WASH FIT Assessment: Simplified for COVID-19 [English] – updated Oct 2020

A simplified version (in Excel) in of the WASH FIT assessment tool for use in facilities who are preparing for, or responding to, COVID-19 cases. The basic methodology of WASH FIT remains the same but is built on a shorter assessment tool, focusing on the most important aspects of WASH in HCF which are needed to respond to COVID-19. The indicators are based on the latest WHO technical guidance on WASH in HCF for COVID-19, available at: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/water-sanitation-hygiene-and-waste-management-for-the-covid-19-virus-interim-guidance. This tool is also available in Spanish and French. An electronic version (in English, French, Spanish and Arabic) is available on Kobo Toolbox at: https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/egDN1mUO. If you would like support using the electronic version, contact Janet Ausel. Thanks go to Food for the Hungry and Engineers Without Borders USA for their support developing this tool.

WASH in HCF & COVID-19 Webinar series: Session 2 – Health care waste management

Slides from a webinar series on WASH in HCF and COVID-19 in April 2020.

FAQs: Local production of alcohol-based hand rub for health facilities

The following Frequently Asked Questions document is based on a December 2019 webinar on the local production of alcohol-based hand rub in Uganda for healthcare workers by Infectious Disease Institute at Makerere University and the US CDC.

UNHCR Technical WASH Guidance for COVID-19 Preparedness and Response

A two-page technical brief from UNHCR for the COVID-19 response, including suggested activities for refugee settings.

How to involve communities in the 8 practical steps for universal access to quality care

This document goes through each of the practical steps and describes how communities should be involved at each stage.  

Community engagement: Systems mapping exercise

A template to help users undertake a mapping exercise of stakeholders involved in WASH in HCF at every level (community, municipality, district, state, national & international). This document is the result of one of the learning labs at the global meeting on WASH in HCF, held in Livingstone, Zambia in September 2019.

WHO Technical guidance: Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste for COVID-19 [updated 23 April 2020]

In late 2019, an acute respiratory disease, known as COVID-19, emerged. WHO has published a number of technical guidance documents here. This WHO technical guidance specifically summarizes guidance on water, sanitation and health care waste in particular for water and sanitation practitioners and providers. It will be of interest to others.

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