Implementation of the water
and sanitation for health facility
improvement tool (WASH FIT):
global report


This report provides an analysis of the application of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement tool (WASH FIT) and case studies from a select number of countries that illustrate different approaches for implementing and scaling up the tool. 

Consensus Statement


This document outlining the role of policymakers and partners in implementing the Global Framework for Action was signed by 20+ leading organizations.


Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Safe management of pharmaceutical waste from health care facilities: global best practices


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WASHinHCF Webinar Series Summary

The document provides a summary of the 12 month WASH in Healthcare Facilities webinar series with short descriptions of each webinar.

UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2019 report

The Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) is a UN-Water initiative implemented by WHO. The objective of GLAAS is to provide policy- and decision-makers at all levels with a reliable, easily accessible, comprehensive and global analysis of the investments and enabling environment to make informed decisions for sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene.

Towards a research agenda for WASH in HCF

A summary of a lunchtime session held at UNC (October 2019). The goal of this lunch session was to appraise the “state of the evidence” on WASH in HCF following the first research meeting in 2016 and revisit which research topics which should be prioritized for future research. The meeting report from the 2016 research meeting, can be found at:

Situational analysis of WASH in health care facilities in Ethiopia

One of a series of situational analyses conducted by WHO in Ethiopia (November 2018), Ghana (February 2019) and Rwanda (June 2019). The analysis involved key informant interviews and facility visits and builds on an initial assessment conducted in July 2016.

Cheat sheet for standards and accountability mechanisms

A cheat sheet with some common terms and suggestions relating to developing national standards and accountability mechanisms. Informed by discussions during one of the learning labs at the Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities (Zambia, September 2019).

UNICEF Scoping study in Eastern and Southern Africa

UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office conducted a regional scoping study and deep dive on the Enabling Environment for WASH services in Health Care Facilities across its 21 programming countries in Eastern and Southern Africa Region. The aim was to assess the status of the enabling environment for WASH services in health facilities, identify related gaps and explore avenues to enhance programming in the region.

Review of Progress on Antimicrobial Resistance

This report, written by Charles Clift from the Centre on Global Health Security, follows from the 2016 Review on Antimicrobial Resistance which had a global impact in raising the profile of AMR. The report calls on the need to do more on WASH to address AMR, including requiring countries to include water and sanitation investments as a key criteria for receiving funds.

Template to develop an aide memoire – building workforce capacity for WASH in HCF

This template was used at a workshop in Zambia in September 2019. The template should be printed in A1 size i.e. very big (!) and used in workshop exercises for participants to write on while they discuss each point. The final product can be used as an aide memoire for countries to take steps in building workforce capacity to support WASH in health care facilities improvement.

Evaluating the foundations that help avert antimicrobial resistance: Performance of essential water sanitation and hygiene functions in hospitals and requirements for action in Kenya

Significant differences and challenges exist in the state of WASH within and across hospitals in Kenya. Whereas the senior hospital management can make some improvements, input and support from the national and regional governments are essential to improve WASH as a basic foundation for averting nosocomial infections and the spread of AMR as part of safe, quality hospital care in Kenya.

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