9 Building Blocks in System Strengthening using WASH FIT


This framework links the WASH System Essential Building Block (IRC WASH) and WASH FIT Tool (WHO, UNICEF).

Video – Philippines: WASH & Solar Energy in Health Care Facilities


KOICA-supported programme implemented by WHO

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: progress on the fundamentals. Global progress report 2023


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From Outbreak to ABHR production: Experience from Cameroon

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019).

Environmental Cleaning Collaborative: Best Practices and Implementation Toolkit

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). This provides an overview of a set of new resources for environmental cleaning, developed by CDC and ICAN.

Climate smart healthcare waste solutions

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). More information can be found at www.noharm.org and www.greenhospitals.net

Viva la revolution! Moving ahead with the WASH in HCF Revolution

Final presentation given by WHO and UNICEF at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, summarising the next steps to move from "Resolution to Revolution". Let the Revolution begin!

Summary of partner commitments made at the 2019 Global Meeting

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). Commitments were made by the following partners: CDC, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Health Care Without Harm, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), One Drop, Save the Children, WaterAid, World Bank and World Vision. This presentation provides a summary of those commitments.

Updates from WHO and UNICEF Regional Offices (2019)

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). It includes updates from WHO and UNICEF Regional Offices across the World.

Summary of country commitments made at the 2019 Global Meeting

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). The following countries made commitments at the Global Meeting: Bhutan, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Philippines, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zambia and Zimbabwe. UNICEF Yemen also spoke about the challenges in Yemen but were unable to make a commitment. If you, your country or organization are interested in making a commitment, please visit www.washinhcf.org/commitments

Addressing the WASH in health care facility crisis: global status and practical actions to improve quality care

Opening presentation given by WHO and UNICEF at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities. This presentation provides an update on current status of WASH in HCF, the global targets and metrics, response to the 2019 WHA Resolution, global baseline data and overview of the 8 practical steps.

From Resolution to Revolution: Opening the meeting with a new video!

Opening presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). The presentation includes a short video by WHO and UNICEF setting the scene and calling on everyone to take action.

Mozambique country update

An update of country progress prepared for the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019)

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