Implementation of the water
and sanitation for health facility
improvement tool (WASH FIT):
global report


This report provides an analysis of the application of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement tool (WASH FIT) and case studies from a select number of countries that illustrate different approaches for implementing and scaling up the tool. 

Consensus Statement


This document outlining the role of policymakers and partners in implementing the Global Framework for Action was signed by 20+ leading organizations.


Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Safe management of pharmaceutical waste from health care facilities: global best practices


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Incineration in health structures of low-income countries: construction & operation of the de montfort incinerator

A detailed guide on the technical specifications and instructions for building a De Montfort incinerator.

THE INCINERATOR GUIDEBOOK: A practical guide for selecting, purchasing, installing, operating and maintaining small-scale incinerators in low-resource settings

This guidebook is intended to be a practical guide for selecting, purchasing, installing, operating, and maintaining small-scale incinerators in low-resource settings. Small-scale refers to incinerators with a capacity to destroy approximately 12 to 100 kilograms of waste per hour. This guide was designed to help program planners address the challenges of safe management of health care waste.

Incinerator Operator Guidelines

A one page explanation of how to use an incinerator.  

It’s Not Just COVID Brief

A short advocacy brief that discusses the impact WASH has on safe, quality healthcare delivery as well as health outcomes, not limited to COVID-19.

WHO/UNICEF Country Tracker — AFRO Regional Meeting

Presentations by WHO AFRO and WHO Geneva at the AFRO Regional Leadership Summit on WASH in HCF in April 2021.

Summary of Country Presentations from AFRO Regional Meeting

Presentation given at the 2021 Africa Regional Leaders Summit on WASH in HCF, hosted virtually by WHO AFRO. Presentations were made by the following countries: Burkina Faso, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda

Hands-Free Handwashing stations in Eastern & Southern Africa region in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

This is a consolidation of low-cost low-tech design & construction guidance for building mobile hands-free Handwashing with Soap Stations in UNICEF's East and South African Region countries, with the aim of reducing risks of disease transmission and increasing desirability for hand hygiene.

How to conduct a situational analysis – methodology document

This document describes an approach for conducting a national situational analysis of water, sanitation hygiene (WASH) as a basis for improving quality of care. A situational analysis is the first of the eight “practical steps” recommended by WHO and UNICEF as a means to trigger action to improve and sustain WASH in health care facilities, a prerequisite for providing quality care.

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