Implementation of the water
and sanitation for health facility
improvement tool (WASH FIT):
global report


This report provides an analysis of the application of the Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement tool (WASH FIT) and case studies from a select number of countries that illustrate different approaches for implementing and scaling up the tool. 

Consensus Statement


This document outlining the role of policymakers and partners in implementing the Global Framework for Action was signed by 20+ leading organizations.


Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Safe management of pharmaceutical waste from health care facilities: global best practices


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Evaluación de la situación de agua, saneamiento e higiene en establecimientos de atención de salud – informe del caso Peru

Results of an assessment of WASH in health care facilities in Peru, completed in 2018.

Evaluación de la situación de agua, saneamiento e higiene en establecimientos de atención de salud – informe del caso Paraguay

Results of an assessment of WASH in health care facilities in Paraguay, completed in 2018.

Evaluación de la situación de agua, saneamiento e higiene en establecimientos de atención de salud – informe del caso Panama

Results of an assessment of WASH in health care facilities in Panama, completed in 2018.

Evaluación de la situación de agua, saneamiento e higiene en establecimientos de atención de salud – informe del caso Guatemala

Results of an assessment of WASH in health care facilities in Guatemala, completed in 2018.

Evaluación de la situación de agua, saneamiento e higiene en establiciementos de atención de salud – Bolivia

Results of an assessment of WASH in health care facilities in Bolivia, completed in 2018.

WASH dans les établissements de soins de santés primaire au Mali

Résultats et réflexion sur le pilotage de l’outil Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT, OMS, UNICEF, 2018) au Mali, comme cadre de travail participatif pour évaluer et agir afin de réduire les risques et d’améliorer les services.

Status of water, sanitation and hygiene services for childbirth and newborn care in eight countries in East Asia and the Pacific

This study aimed to investigate availability of WASH policies, standards, and services for childbirth and newborn care in hospitals in East Asia and the Pacific. Descriptive analysis of survey data and observations of water, sanitation and hygiene services in maternity and neonatal care rooms and of deliveries in 153 hospitals in Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Viet Nam. The main outcome measures were availability of national policies and standards; availability of water, sanitation, and hygiene services in maternity rooms and neonatal care units; and practice of hygiene at childbirth.

Hygiene During Childbirth: An Observational Study to Understand Infection Risk in Healthcare Facilities in Kogi and Ebonyi States, Nigeria

Infections acquired during labour and delivery are a significant cause of maternal and child morbidity and mortality. Adherence to hand hygiene protocols is a critical component of infection prevention strategies, but few studies have closely examined the hand hygiene of health care providers with sufficient detail to understand infection risks and prioritize prevention strategies. : This observational study was conducted in six healthcare facilities in Nigeria. In each, five women were observed from the onset of labour through to delivery of the placenta. Hand hygiene infection risk was estimated for all procedures requiring aseptic technique compared against adherence to proper hand hygiene protocol and potential recontamination events. This study highlights that hand hygiene remains a barrier to delivering high-quality and safe care in health facilities. Improving hygiene practices during labour and delivery will require strategies that extend beyond infrastructure provision.

Global Framework for Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Global Framework for Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene has been developed in recognition that Urban WASH is an emerging area of focus in Global UNICEF Strategy for WASH 2016-2030. The Framework creates a common vision for UNICEF’s approach to Urban WASH programming. It is expected to support country, regional and global WASH teams to have a clear and shared sense of direction and common purpose in efforts to secure engagement in supporting the most marginalized urban children and their families with WASH services. This framework is designed to offer opportunities for partnerships and an alignment of approaches for addressing WASH challenges in urban areas including WASH in healthcare facilities. Thus, the document is useful for advocacy and raising awareness of UNICEF’s priorities and plans for urban WASH interventions while supporting engagement with external partners to move forward the global urban WASH agenda collectively. The framework mentions the assessment of WASH service delivery in urban healthcare facilities and public institutions (markets, public transport hubs/motor parks etc.) to be among the potential entry points and priority activities by programme thematic area, for service-level support, for engaging in urban WASH. It would equally serve as a basis for evidence generation.

Eritrea Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Bottleneck Analysis Report

Government of Eritrea and the United Nations Children’s Fund analyzed bottlenecks hindering the delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in Eritrea. The results identified the major bottlenecks for WASH in institutions to be (i). Lack of policy and legal framework that includes provisions for operational sustainability; (ii). Lack of a well-functioning coordinating body; (iii) Unsupportive conditions (lack of an enabling environment) for the application of service delivery models; (iv) Insufficient funding that arises from weak institutional and individual capacities to create a successful mechanism to raise funds and diversify sources of funding; (v) Lack of a well-established monitoring feedback system to improve decision-making at different levels; and (vi) Weak institutional, individual and financial capacities to develop a human resources strategy. The main underlying causes of the major bottlenecks for WASH in institutions are limited human, financial, institutional and organizational capacities of institutions, and low levels of commitment of policy- and decision-makers. The report cited that the total financing gap to implement the recommended activities to remove the bottlenecks to service delivery in WASH in institutions is about USD 3.73 million.

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