9 Building Blocks in System Strengthening using WASH FIT


This framework links the WASH System Essential Building Block (IRC WASH) and WASH FIT Tool (WHO, UNICEF).

Video – Philippines: WASH & Solar Energy in Health Care Facilities


KOICA-supported programme implemented by WHO

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities


Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: progress on the fundamentals. Global progress report 2023


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Saving Newborn Lives Through Safe WASH

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely – more than one in ten of all babies around the world. Nearly all these deaths can be prevented by providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place. This flyer highlights the importance of basic Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in ensuring the right place for quality service delivery to save newborn lives. ”Every birth should be supported by a safe pair of hands, washed with soap and water, using sterile equipment, in a clean environment“……by Henrietta H. Fore, UNICEF Executive Director

Commitments for Change: What you can do now to make a difference – Advocacy Flyer

In 2019, a World Health Assembly Resolution on WASH in health care facilities, agreed to by 194 member states, outlined concrete actions that countries can commit to. These include establishing national roadmaps and targets, implementing standards, integrating WASH and IPC indicators into health programming and monitoring and increasing domestic funding. This flyer summarises these actions. If you would like to make a commitment, please visit www.washinhcf.org/commitments

Practical Steps: Advocacy Flyer – Please use and share

This flyer/infographic summarizes the 8 practical steps with a short explanation of what each steps involves. "WASH is a “best buy” for achieving safe, quality care for all. Join us in making a difference."

Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities: practical steps to achieve universal access [Russian]

Russian version of "Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities: practical steps to achieve universal access to quality care."

From Resolution to Revolution: 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities – Meeting report

Meeting report from the 2019 Global Meeting held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September). The meeting was attended by over 100 people, including 35 countries and partners.

Uganda WASH in HCF Stakeholders Directory

This directory provides key contacts and summaries of activities for stakeholders working on WASH in HCF in Uganda as of October 2019.

Key considerations for WASH infrastructure in health care facilities

This document is a product from one of the Learning Labs run at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities (Zambia, September 2019). The document includes a list of questions to consider prior to constructing or upgrading WASH infrastructure at health care facilities. The answers to these questions will ensure that systems or technologies are selected which are contextually appropriate and sustainable.

WASHinHCF Webinar Series Summary

The document provides a summary of the 12 month WASH in Healthcare Facilities webinar series with short descriptions of each webinar.

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